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Proud to be the new co-producer and guitarist for the L.A. band Quest! Quest released it's first dance/pop album in 1985 on EMI records. Now they want to bring new life into the band with a more hard rock style. Looking forward rocking it together with buddy Barend Courbois!
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Join us on the 7th of June!
Send us an email on to let us know that you're coming or simply click 'attend' on our event page:
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Timber Tones is thrilled to announce that Timo Somers is now one of our endorsee. The 22 year-old Dutch musician, who has already joined more prestigious bands than most will ever in their whole life (VENGEANCE and Delain amongst others) uses our Jazzy Tones Max, Funk Tones, Tribal Tones and Groove Tones Mini.
He also hold the record for "man who can wear off a pick made of BONE the fastest". Timo Somers ladies and gents!